Every bomb that fell on London over the Blitz (7th October 1940 to 6th June 1941 - means no V1s or V2s). Surprisingly, no where I lived was hit.
They've also got a rather nifty augmented reality app. I can't use it seeing as I'm in Denmark, but here are some shots stolen from The Daily Mail (sorry).
Came across Tublar on Reddit last night. It's an app for listening to music on YouTube and finding similar artists created by Cody Jack Stewart, and not only looks pretty damn nice, it works pretty damn well too.
"Tubalr is an app that was crafted out of curiosity and passion, Sept 12th 2010. I released it into the wild and have been iterating ever since. I built Tubalr because I kept running across great high quality videos wishing I had a simple app to play those videos back to back, while working or doing other things."