Wildlife photographer Chris McLennan had the wonderful idea of strapping a camera to a remote control car, and driving it up to a pack of lions. The results are beautiful, and give a completely unique persective. At the same time, you can see in their eyes all they're thinking is 'can I eat you'?
When I was little we used to say that if you tried to imagine the edge of space, and thought too much about it, you'd go crazy. Sometimes I used to sit there and really try so hard to imagine what was just beyond the edge of space, and I couldn't, of course, it was just...completely beyond my comprehension. Then I'd really quickly stop thinking about it because I was sure I was about to go off the deep end.
Sometimes I still feel that way. Watching Gravity, and this, and trying to imagine what it must be like to be floating above the world, look one way, the universe; look the other way, a small blue and green sphere we call home. It's completely, and utterly bonkers. Beautiful, but bonkers.
A big image from Howard Schatz's book, Athlete, showing just how varied the female athlete can be. All shapes and sizes. All professional athletes. Impressive stuff. Give it a click for the big one.
See a bit more about it here.