Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

28th July 2007

Batttlestar Galactica - The Truth...Or Something Like It...

So this is to sort out the whole confusion about BSG – that is, confusion if you're a fan. If you're not a fan you probably should stop reading about now. Or you'll be bored/confused/have a lower opinion of me (in some cases). In fact, this contains some spoilers, so unless you've seen Season 3; don't read. Or do. It's up to you really.

Another warning is that this was born of two minds, at 2am, after having completed season 3. It all made perfect sense then, and was so clear in my mind. Having just read all of this, I now see that I really should have got up, and written it all then and there. This is very complicated and mostly just an excuse to talk about BSG.

In fact, on second thoughts, maybe it's best you don't read this at all…unless you know me and are willing to accept this way of babbling. But I do have a point. I really, really do.


What the frak is going on? Who are the Final Five? Who is the Final One really??? What is this all about and who is this God person anyway??

A theory follows....bare with me…it might get messy.

Right. Kobol is the birthplace of humans as well as the Cylons. At least, that's what the Cylons think.

According to Colonial religious scriptures, humans lived on Kobol side-by-side with their Gods, the Lords of Kobol. But they had a falling out, and the humans ran away and established the 12 Colonies, with one lot of people buggering off and founding the colony of Earth – or is that all a load of bollocks made up by some gits and put in the scriptures???

Humans then created the Cylons as robotic soldiers and workers, or slaves. At some point, the rebelled and had a big nasty fight with us fleshy and bloody ones. We all hugged and signed an armistice and the Cylons went away for a long time. Or, 40 years.

Then, they came back, super advanced and looking just like us! Wow! And blew the 12 Colonies to Kingdom Come.

So now, we're all floating around in space trying to escape the Cylons and also trying to track down mythical (or is it?) Earth, because, well, they need somewhere to live.

Cue lots of fighting, Starbuck becoming more and more attractive, Admiral Adama becoming (strangely) more and more attractive, the sexual tension between Roslin and said Admiral becoming so thick you could almost dive into it and bounce right back, and hey presto – we're at the crunch.

The Temple of Five is handily discovered on the algae planet by Chief, who finds himself mysteriously drawn to the location. Turns out it was a temporary colony of the Thirteenth Tribe of Kobol on their voyage to Earth. The Eye of Jupiter artefact is located within the Temple of Five which offers another clue to finding Earth. Really, how odd is it that he turns out to be a Cylon??

Meanwhile, back on the farm, much later, we find out that Saul Tigh, Tory and Sam are all…….CYLONS!!! Far out!

How clever of the toasters to put the skin-jobs all in advisor roles…. Anyway. My point, and I do have one, is to see if I can explain what it's all about really. In fact, much of all I've just written is totally unnecessary, I'm just suffering withdrawal symptoms and need to relive it. Not really. Maybe. Anyway.

My point is this; we are all Cylons. Cylons and humans are the same; one giant circle. The same sort of things as; what came first? The chicken or the egg? Who's birthplace is Kobol? Humans or Cylons? Are you with me?? No? Me neither to be honest.

As far as we (humans), are concerned, we built the Cylons to be our slaves, effectively, and are therefore superior to them. Cylons, on the other hand, believe us to be overly emotional, rational, and basically a bit silly because of all that love stuff, yet this is what they need to really survive. So, we have a merging of 'races', if you will. Example: 12 models of Cylon. So far we know of 11. Each of which has a different 'level' of humanity. For example, Sharon is capable of love. D'Anne knows there is something between life and death and repeatedly does herself in to try to discover it. Ronald D. Moore (creator of the series), has confirmed, "…that these models of Cylon were sort of developed out of their own study of us. The Cylons on some level looked at humanity and said 'You know what? There's really only twelve of you.' If these are the twelve, and sort of if you look at them they each represent different archetypes of what humanity is." Ah ha.

So, Cylons are effectively slowing moulding into us, so much so, and so effectively, that we are unable to tell the difference whatsoever; indeed, even the most human Cylons (Chief, Sam), are unable to comprehend that they are, in fact, Cylons.

Now, the on going theme, that is mentioned by human and Cylon alike, of 'this has all happened before and will happen again', is simply explained by, well, the literal sense. It has all happened before, and will all happen again. History repeats itself, over and over and over again.

How did Chief 'just know' that The Temple of Five was exactly there? Maybe it's because he was one of The Five – which, he is. He is one of the last five models of Cylon – on of the Five that are unknown to the other Cylons and humans. Would it not make perfect sense that he, the Tigh, Sam, Tory and the last as of yet unknown Cylon, built this temple? That the group of 'people' who went to colonise Earth were the 'supreme' Cylons? The perfect hybrid of Cylon/human – who were unaware of their genes/history? That, basically, Earth is inhabited by people such as Chief – 50/50 Cylon/human?

Of course, who the fifth Cylon is..well, who knows. Kara? Adama? Roslin? Kara has, after all, been drawing The Eye of Jupiter since childhood, yet there are constant references to her being some kind of angel…..a 'higher being' if you will. After all, she does blow up in her Viper right in front of Lee, and then magically return to guide him to Earth. Hmmm. There are many more loose ends….and this has probably not helped at all.

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