Feminism, Homosexuality, and Kids Today (and other fun things)
So since I posted this link about Hilary Clinton on my Facebook profile, I've been thinking about it.
Now, I'll tell you why.
You see, I was really up for Hilary. I'll level with you, and tell you that no, I'm not all clued up on her policies, but I know enough to think that she's alright, and let's be honest - who cares who wins, as long as Bush is out. Anyway. I like her. I would have voted for her. Ultimately, yes, because she's a woman. But I worry about saying that. I mean, I know that their policies are basically the same, give or take, so I do think that many are voting either pro-woman, or pro-black. Either way - it's brilliant. But yes, I would have loved to have seen a woman as the President. It would have turned the country, the world even, around. Having a black President will do wonders for racial intolerance, no doubt about that, but it's still a man. I mean, those who know me know that I am by no means a man hater, but there are some fundamental differences in men and women (yes, yes - socially constructed, but just bear with me). How many times have you asked yourself, 'I wonder how the world would be if it were run by a woman?' I know I have done so countless times.
In the posted article, it talks about how the majority of her supporters were women over 50. Understandably. I mean, these women were around, in the US at least, to see the end of discrimination in employment based on gender, to see birth control pills be approved, to see the end of sex discrimination in schools, and - incredibly - in 1976, the marital rape law be passed, making it illegal for a husband to rape his wife. That was nice of them, two years before I was born. No wonder women are lining up behind her. I can not imagine how it must feel to see a woman where Hilary is, or was, as the case maybe, but that's really of no matter. In their lifetime, to have fought for so much, and now to see such results. It's incredible, and it does make me so happy to be a woman, today.
But! Listen to my hypocrisy!! What did I say in my earlier posts about being gay? That I wouldn't want to segregate myself by my sexuality? I might even have said gender, I don't remember, but I know I thought it. Let me quote myself:
"Yes, yes, I know that the fight for rights has been going on forever and that 'we' have a lot more rights than ever before and 'we' should celebrate that. Of course, I am eternally grateful to those who did so much to put me where I am today (and I’m a woman – man, I have a lot to live up to...), but I don't think that singling out a day is going to achieve anything. The problem is right there in that sentence! 'We' - we? That only makes an 'us' and 'them'! There is no 'us' and 'them' - at least; there shouldn't be. Equality…huh. I think there comes a point in these ‘fights for equality’ when the ‘fighting’ has to stop, and the ‘living’ has to start. Sooner or later, you’re past fighting for recognition, and end up fighting for difference, and where’s the sense in that?"
See? See what I've done? 'Us' and 'them'. Should I really just turn a blind eye to the fact that Hilary is a woman?
Further on in the article, it reports that younger women are less concerned with the fact that she's a woman. Indeed, as one voter puts it:
"To think that we'd vote for someone because they are a woman is too simplistic," she says. Maybe women of our generation have been spoiled by all the hard work that all the feminists did before us. But they were successful, and whatever gripes we have are fairly muted. Gender has taken a back seat and I think it has been a show of progress that we can focus on other things."
Hmmm. Which is true. And it sounds just like me and the whole gay thing. Are the generation after me the generation which doesn't care, but in the best possible way? Will my children not give a rat's arse if their teacher/friend/lover/President is black, white, straight, gay, bi, male, female etc etc? I hope so. I really do. As much as I frown upon the youth of today (yes, I can do that because now I'm 30), and their lack of respect, perhaps I am wrong to do so. Perhaps it is this apparent 'lack of respect' that is ultimately going to turn this world around.
Perhaps it is I who show lack of respect. Perhaps I should respect all what has been done for me (as a gay woman), and when something like this happens, just sit back and take it quietly. It is, after all, only fair and right, so why should I make a fuss about it? I don't make a fuss about Gay Pride, so why this? I don't know.
Anyway. As said, Hilary or Obama - either way we win. A black President is historical - obviously, and will change the world. It's fantastic. After all that has happened in history, and now - wait, am I doing it again? Man, you just can't win.
There might come some corrections to this post, as to be honest, I'm writing while still in bed. I'm not at my most lucid :)
P.S. Bayzil is just flourishing. I have to re-pot him soon. Pah-slee is getting better, while if someone wants to adopt Tjives, feel free to do so.