Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Shooter Sandwich.

This year, my family and I held a Faux Easter. My Uncle and Aunt were off walking on that big wall in China, so we delayed the Easter celebrations until they were back. We're not religious in anyway, but it's basically an excuse to get together and eat and drink far too much. Of course this weekend coincided with Will and Kate's big day, which was, well, neither here nor there to be honest, but it was all good fun.

Anyway, my mission this Easter was to make a shooter's sandwich. This is basically a loaf of bread stuffed with steak, mushrooms, more steak and breadcrumbs. Here is my attempt at recording the production.


So there you have it. My first attempt at a shooter's sandwich, and not a bad one, if I may say so myself.

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.