New York City to Arizona
As is often the case – in fact it may always be so – opportunity presents itself at the most unexpected times. In this case, 5 days into my holiday, I was made redundant. Admittedly, it wasn’t completely unexpected (we knew changes were afoot, and in total, 30 of us got the boot), but it still requires some thought. As said, it wasn’t a surprise, but what I was surprised at was how much thought I had to give it. It was a weird thing to happen while I was on holiday, and as it was immediate, it meant that I had – in effect – nothing to go home for. Ah ha. Opportunity.
I’m on a flight to Phoenix, Arizona right now. That was always meant to be the case. 8 days in New York City, and then a week – for me alone – in Arizona (if you’re wondering why Arizona, I’ll get to that in a bit). The 8 days in New York were spectacular. Thilde had never been before, and although I’ve been twice before, the last time was in 1999. A lot has changed, and not just the city. I’m a completely different person than I was at 21, and as such, my wants for the city had changed radically. I really did consider this a second first time for myself. We stayed in the Lower East Side, and covered a huge amount of the city. Every day started early, and finished pretty early too, thanks to the double-digits of kilometers we covered on foot every day. I’ll admit that 8 days was just enough for me. Sure I could have stayed longer, but while I loved the city and its diversity, its beat and its life, it reminded me of why I moved out of London. Sprawling cities just drain me. So as we moved our way back to our flat to pick up our bags, I was elated to know that I had a week in the beautiful state of Arizona to look forward to. Although, now, it wasn’t just a week, it was two.
When I received the email letting me know that I was one of the 30 to go, Thilde, the wonder she is, said that I should stay in the US for longer. At first I dismissed the idea, but then, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. When would I get a chance like this again? I’m already here – or there – so why not? Delta wanted over $4000 to change my flight, but booking an entirely new journey (with a different airline) – return from Copenhagen to Phoenix – proved to be vastly cheaper. So I did it. Two weeks. Just me and the road.
So why Arizona? Most people asked why when I told them about our summer holiday plans, and I understand. I’ve no idea about exact numbers, but I’m willing to bet the majority of visitors to Arizona pop in to see The Grand Canyon and then pop back out again, and what a shame that is. I’ve not covered all of the state, and I won’t do this time either, but I’ve seen enough each time I’ve been to leave me wanting more. I first visited when I was around 13, again when I was 14, once more at 21, and again last year, at 34. The trip that made the biggest impression on me was when I was 14. I don’t know why, but something about it just hooked me. The colours, the vastness, the heat, the feel of the air and the sounds of the desert – all so very foreign to a girl born and bred in the English countryside, but all so oddly comforting at the same time.
The later trips, while deserving of pages themselves, only cemented the want to return. So here I am. On my way back, but this time alone. It’ll give me time to see the things I want to see, to stop and stare at the things I want to stare at, when I want to stare at them. It’ll help me get it out of my system, and help me get some perspective on things.
We’re currently flying over and between two storm cells. If I wasn’t the nervous flyer that I am, I’d be thrilled. I’m sure in hindsight I’ll think it was brilliant, and it is brilliantly beautiful, I have to admit. If only I was at the window seat I’d take some photos.
It’s hot in Arizona. I’ve got about 2000 miles, or 3000 km, to cover. I’ve gone through all my back issues of Arizona Highways (yes, I'm a subscriber) and made lists of things I want to see and do. I’ve noted down the ghost towns and old mines along my route. I’ve been waiting for this trip for a really long time, and I’m just about to get started.
I’ll admit I’m a bit nervous, but the excitement far, far outweighs it. Thank God for redundancy.
Entering Arizona in 1999Oh, a side note is that it's Labor Day Weekend here. I have no idea what that is, but I'm sure I'll find out. Something tells me I can't wear white after it. I might rebel. I am, after all, British.