Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Talking on Tundra

The past week I've been guest curating on Tundra Blog, a superb blog run by a fellow Englishman - Simon Mitchell. Although primarily a design orientated blog, Simon wanted to bring some fresh views to it and asked a number of different people to curate. I contributed with a total of 4 entries, ranging from marketing stuff to wartime propaganda.

I really enjoyed it. I felt that I could post things (like the propaganda posters) I love, but didn't feel were at home on my blog - although I'm not sure why. I think I'll start posting more things like that. Things that catch my eye, things that make me thing, and things that I like.

For now, you can check out the posts on Tundra Blog. Below is a (sort of) summary of each post with links to the originals on Tundra Blog. Hope you check the blog out (or you can follow it on Twitter @StudioTundra).


Life moves pretty fast - a bit of a rambling post in which I talk about how much technology has changed since 9/11, and how, in my opinion, digital natives are those born after 1995, not 1980, as is the commonly accepted year. 

War - a collection of wartime propaganda. I can't get enough of this stuff - no matter the war or country.

Art and Adverts - when is it OK to touch upon disasters in advertising? Print ads? TV ads? Are adverts art? Who is this God person anyway?

Abandoned - if I was a lonely millionaire I'd travel around the world and take photos of abandoned buildings. Unfortunately, I'm not. Neither is my friend Clare who, despite the lack of millions and loneliness, actually made it to Hellingly Hospital and took these photos.

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.