Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Los Angeles

Mission 26 - The Big Endeavour

A lovely timelapse film of The Endeavour's trip through L.A. I just love everything about this. I wish I could have seen her with my own eyes.

"This project was only made possible by the help of a truly amazing and talented timelapse team which included; Joe Capra, Chris Pritchard, Brian Hawkins, Andrew Walker, Ryan Killackey and myself. This truly was a once in a lifetime opportunity that we are so happy and honored to have been be a part of. The endeavor started on Thursday night and went on until Sunday night, with very little sleep to no sleep. The only thing that kept us going was pure love of the art and adrenaline. One thing that stood out the most for me, while I was shooting, was the people of Los Angeles. It was so powerful to see the excitement on peoples faces and the pride of their home town. No matter how many times I would see the Shuttle it would never get old."

Working in Advertising

According to Deutsch Los Angeles, a third of ad-agency employees move to new jobs each year. They would like to stop this and have come up with a bunch of ideas to stop this which will be presented at Cannes next week. To promote this, they've created these three spots, which are pretty funny and can probably be related to any job, i.e., I'm doing fucking everything while them upstairs take all the credit.

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.