Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Music Hall

Wilton's Music Hall

Recently I've come to realise that I can actually post anything I want to here. Daft as that may sound, for some reason I've limited myself as to what I can post, using the excuse of 'it doesn't fit in'. Not sure how that started, but due to some guest curating over on Tundra Blog, I've decided to pull myself together and post whatever I want. With some limitation. So, first up is Wilton's Music Hall.

I love this place. I went to visit it with my friend a couple of years back, but we got lost on the way there. Eventually we found it, tucked down an alley, boarded up and silent. Just as we were about to turn around, out popped a head. Although officially closed, she let us in for a wander. It was beautiful, and even better to have it all to ourselves. Of course we had forgotten to bring a camera, so I will now rely on borrowed images. If you get the chance, do visit and leave a donation - it's the oldest of it's kind in the world, and it'd be so very sad if it has to come down.

Massive thanks and all credit to the East London Theatre Archive for these images. I hope they let me keep them up.

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.