Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Queen

Le Week Le 25

It's been a crazy week, this week, and right now I'm just waiting for this baby to get sleepy so he can go to bed. I will probably follow soon after. 

Let's jump right in with one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time. I'd love to see a documentary about Manhattan. Maybe there's one out there. I've not actually checked...

These posters for the up and coming Batman v Superman film are very nice. I love the simplicity of the idea.

Now that we're talking about Superman, take a look at what Zack Snyder's Man of Steel would look like if it was in colour.

Do you like Hillary Clinton? Then you'll like her laughing. The internet is a strange place...

Happy Queen, sad Queen. 

The weirdest advert I've seen in a while. 

There are few things I enjoy more than a good ghost town, so in some ways, I can understand the want to leave this incredible collection of classic cars to rot in a forest. There's no denying the moss, leaves, earth, and rust all create a very real sense of history, and maybe even make a bigger impact than if the cars were kept, mint condition, in a museum. They kick start your imagination so much more, I think. Where were they used? Who owned them? What happened? How did they get here? All you have to do is stare, and let your imagination run wild. Beautiful.

To finish off, here are some babies reacting to the new Star Wars trailer (that was really very good). 

Have a great weekend, people. 

Oh wait, here's a good magic trick. 

World War III - The Queen's Speech

The speech the Queen was set to give if (or when, as I'm sure it seemed) the Soviet Union sent over a nuke back in '83, has been released. It's a scary thing to read, and a good reminder of how close we really came. Gawd bless us all. 

"When I spoke to you less than three months ago we were all enjoying the warmth and fellowship of a family Christmas. Our thoughts were concentrated on the strong links that bind each generation to the ones that came before and those that will follow. The horrors of war could not have seemed more remote as my family and I shared our Christmas joy with the growing family of the Commonwealth. Now this madness of war is once more spreading through the world and our brave country must again prepare itself to survive against great odds.

I have never forgotten the sorrow and the pride I felt as my sister and I huddled around the nursery wireless set listening to my father’s inspiring words on that fateful day in 1939. Not for a single moment did I imagine that this solemn and awful duty would one day fall to me.

We all know that the dangers facing us today are greater by far than at any time in our long history. The enemy is not the soldier with his rifle nor even the airman prowling the skies above our cities and towns but the deadly power of abused technology. But whatever terrors lie in wait for us all the qualities that have helped to keep our freedom intact twice already during this sad century will once more be our strength.

My husband and I share with families up and down the land the fear we feel for sons and daughters, husbands and brothers who have left our side to serve their country. My beloved son Andrew is at this moment in action with his unit and we pray continually for his safety and for the safety of all servicemen and women at home and overseas. It is this close bond of family life that must be our greatest defence against the unknown. If families remain united and resolute, giving shelter to those living alone and unprotected, our country’s will to survive cannot be broken.

My message to you therefore is simple. Help those who cannot help themselves, give comfort to the lonely and the homeless and let your family become the focus of hope and life to those who need it. As we strive together to fight off the new evil let us pray for our country and men of goodwill wherever they may be.

God Bless you all."

Via The Metro.

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