Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Smoking

Anti-Smoking Ad

This has been described as graphic and using shock tactics but I don't think either is true. It's a bit gnarly maybe, but certainly not shocking. The more I think about it, the more I think it's quite an effective ad. The copy, i.e. chemicals causing mutations, is a lot more powerful, in my mind, than the rather dull 'smoking kills' we're normally faced with.

Danes OK with Children Smoking. Thais, Not So Much.

You've probably seen this video from The Thai Health Promotion Foundation.

Today, a suggested story or page or whatever it was popped up in my Facebook feed which contained this video.

The latter is from Danish non-profit YouMe Family (they aim to improve society through projects focusing on CSR, sustainability and innovation) and is called 'Got a Light?' It's basically exactly the same thing (kids asking smokers for a light). It goes on to say that 9 out of 10 smokers offered the child a light or a cigarette. No notes were passed over or anything, it's purely to raise attention. 

Similar, aren't they. I'm not entirely sure I have a point as I don't object (mostly) to copying like this (if it even is) and anyway, it's all for a good cause. I just felt like sharing. 

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