Things Before Christmas
Well it's almost Christmas. In the tradition of everyone, I will now reflect on the past year. Although, this not being the most terribly personal blog, I can't reflect so much, as it has been a monumentally exciting year in terms of my personal life, but not quite so exciting in terms of my day-to-day life. A lot has happened. Let me put it that way. I would never have thought that quite so much would have gone on, but it has. Some things, I knew were coming, others were beyond my wildest fantasies. There are highlights and lows, needless to say, as there are in every month and every week, but again, I shalln't go into detail here. I will, however, keep talking my pointless points, and post stupid pictures that I know at least (or perhaps, at most), two people look at. Does anyone else I wonder? Why would anyone else? Do my parents read it? I know they found my MySpace, so what's to keep them finding this? Do I care? Why am I even asking?
Yes. This year. My, what a year! I leave it happy and content, and not least; excited. What could happen in 2008, are some pretty big things. I am extremely curious to see where I am come this time next year. But incredibly excited to start the year, and take it day by day. Not that I have much choice really. One year, a friend and I decided to write a letter to ourselves, on New Year's Eve, filled with what we hoped to have accomplished by that time, next year (I think it was around 1998). The next year, I opened the letter, and although I had accomplished a lot, I don't seem to remember if I had accomplished anything I set out to. I have to go and see if I can find it. Back in a tick.
Well that can't be good. I seem to have lost my diary. Well if anyone has it; return it. It's embarrassing. Oh well, that put an end to that story.
So! Yes. 2008. Bring it on.
The other exciting things I wanted to share with you, are things like this:
What is it with 69? Is it following me? This is my ticket from the post office in Denmark. I couldn't help but smile when I saw it.
I have just been in Denmark for a week, taking some of my stuff over there, to prepare for my grand move on the 28th. It was good to be back. Really good, actually. I am looking forward to getting back for good, although I am shooting off to Thailand on the 7th January, so I won't really feel back, until I come back on the 5th February. I know - I'm going to Thailand, but there are a number of reasons why there is a part of me that just wishes I wasn't. These range from personal things, to things like finding a flat and studying. But, I can't complain. I know that once I get out of the plane in Bangkok, I'll forget all about them. Or some of them at least. Anyone know of any good literature I can take? Not bloody Da Vinci Code shit either.
Anyway, so Denmark was great. I spent an evening with my dear friend, Adam, and his lovely wife, Mette, who is currently completing her finals to be a doctor. Yet she still has to wear socks with 'right foot' and 'left foot' on them. I'm not sure what to make of that.
While over there, I was discussing weight with someone, and since then, I have been curious as to how and why we in the UK, use 'stone' as a measurement. Why stone? What stone? Since when? How big is this stone and where does it come from? Is it limestone? Anyway. Let me enlighten you.
In 1352, during the reign of Edward III, it was established that the stone was to weigh 14 pounds, and was used for agricultural commodities. Although no longer an official measurement of weight, we in the British Isles use it, because that's how we roll.
And that's about it. If anyone has any more information on this curious matter, I'd love to hear it.
I weigh 10 stone 7 pounds. Or, 65.5kg. This was yesterday, before I began eating Jaffa Cakes when I wanted, and before eating cold sausages for breakfast, along with my muesli. Let us see what happens on the 28th. Isn't this exciting?!
So this will probably be my last post this year. We have large amounts of relatives turning up from tomorrow, then the days between Christmas and New Year will be spent moving, cleaning, drinking, and preparing. So, happy Christmas everyone. And a happy New Year too. I hope they're both wonderful, and you can look back on the year feeling content. See you in 2008.