Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Filtering by Tag: Kumiko Wang

Rebranding Girls. With Pink.

Following an interesting article on Fast Company, The Case for Girls, discussing how, generally, people would rather a baby boy over a baby girl (I'd rather a girl, personally), Fast Company asked several of the most creative ad agencies in the world to rebrand girls. Some are good, some aren't so, and to be honest, it's really quite hard to believe that this was as good as they got (OK, OK, so the job probably didn't pay, and they had limited time).

Don't get me started on all the pink. Are we still really doing that? Do they not remember Della? It's depressing, and what's even more depressing is that the first ad with big, fat pink letters, is by Shout, part of She Says, 'a network of 3,000 ad women who collaborate outside their day jobs on campaigns directed at women'! Pink? Really? Eh...

The Facebook page, Accidental Daughters, is real, in case you wondered. I like this one. 

This mess of pinkness is also from She Shout. It's depressing.

This is another interesting one, veering away from the dreaded pink-wash. They also have a fully-functional website -

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